Break The Cycle USA prides itself on being the shoulder for people to lean on. We foster and develop collaborative relationships with dynamic community partners to execute viable programs that extend the lifeline to help rescue, restore, and reinvigorate individuals who feel life’s circumstances have them trapped in hopelessness and helplessness. We extend our hearts more, we expand our touch more, and promote growth.
Domestic Violence/Trafficking
Break The Cycle USA champions women in domestic violence situations by advocating for funding that will assist battered women's shelters. In order for women breaking the cycle of abuse they must first have a place to start over and more often than not, that will be a shelter. Fifty percent of all homeless people are made up of women and children fleeing from abuse.
The underground shelters we serve provide: ​
Life Skills Training
Job Training & Employment Preparation
Self-Esteem & Holistic Healing Classes
Family Strengthening Classes
Child & Parent Activities
Mainstream Benefits Enrollment
Short-Term & Permanent Housing
Specialized programs funded through Break The Cycle USA address a wide-range of issues and classifications related to homelessness, including: Veterans, Women & Children, The Elderly, and Gay Teens.
The homeless shelters we serve provide:
Life Skills Training
Welfare to Work Transition
Financial Literacy
Self-Esteem & Holistic Healing Classes
Mainstream Benefits Enrollment
Short-Term & Permanent Housing
At Risk Youth & Foster Care
Our mission is to shed light on the broken foster care system. Over 70% of domestic minor trafficking victims come from Social Services and the Foster Care System. We work specifically with juveniles in the justice system who have committed crimes while being victimized, trafficked, and sexually exploited. Our goal is to educate the courts, judges, and system that these crimes were done while being victimized and in many cases were forced. In conjunction with CPS and DFPS we ensure that children in the foster care system and their families are provided with the best care possible.
We provide or connect you to our community impact partners that provide:
Relocating & moving families/individuals of human trafficking
Oversee CVC Crimes Victim Compensation Forms
Find placement for missing and human trafficking youth
Accountability Tracking Linking Assessment System (ATLAS)
(To learn more about ATLAS please contact info@rbrw.org)
Life Skills Training
Job Training & Employment Preparation
Self-Esteem & Holistic Healing Classes
Family Strengthening Classes
Child & Parent Activities
Mainstream Benefits Enrollment
Short-Term & Permanent Housing
Accompany victims to court
Connect victims to professionals
(legal council, medical providers etc.) -
Relocating & moving families/individuals of human trafficking
Oversee CVC Crimes Victim Compensation Forms
Find placement for missing and human trafficking youth
Accountability Tracking Linking Assessment System (ATLAS)
(To learn more about ATLAS please contact info@rbrw.org)
A.T.L.A.S. ACCOUNTABILITY TRACKING LINKING ASSESSMENT SYSTEM provides information relating to the social responsibility observed by companies and persons.
Human Trafficking & Advocacy
It is crucial for human trafficking survivors and their families to have support. We accompany human trafficking minors and adults to court connecting them with legal counsel and other resources like medical care providers, and trauma therapy professionals. Through new legislation we can combat human trafficking and create harsher penalties for predators. Our advocates continue to present to congress members, intricately explaining how to identify victims being trafficked through the border. By educating our communities and law makers on how to identify human trafficking victims/survivors we can Break The Cycle.
We provide or connect you to our community impact partners that provide:
Life Skills Training
Job Training & Employment Preparation
Self-Esteem & Holistic Healing Classes
Family Strengthening Classes
Child & Parent Activities
Mainstream Benefits Enrollment
Short-Term & Permanent Housing
Accompany victims to court
Connect victims to professionals
(legal council, medical providers etc.) -
Relocating & moving families/individuals of human trafficking
Oversee CVC Crimes Victim Compensation Forms
Find placement for missing and human trafficking youth
Accountability Tracking Linking Assessment System (ATLAS)
(To learn more about ATLAS please contact info@rbrw.org)
Media Program
Break The Cycle USA mentors at risk and vulnerable youth through various programs. Our Media Program focuses on empowering youth ages 9-18 to gain independence and self-worth through perfecting their craft. Jacquelyn Aluotto, award winning film maker and Break The Cycle USA founder, along with multi-talented team members and partners teach student specific curriculum at schools and churches. All students are paired with experts in their chosen talent area. The goal of the program is to use their preferred talent to make a difference and Break The Cycle.
If you would like to learn more about our Media Program please email info@rbrw.org
Trade Mentorships
Through our connection with celebrity fashion designers, makeup artists, hair stylists, and entertainment business leaders, we provide mentorship to shelter clients, in order to teach them to trade to become self-sufficient. Our unique team of Entertainment & Fashion Leaders teach the skills necessary for our shelters clients to thrive in a lucrative workforce.
The skills our mentors teach are:
Seamstress and Tailoring Training
Hair Styling Basics and Training
Makeup Artistry & FX Design
Entertainment Business Management
Fashion Design and Wardrobe Styling
If you or your company would like to expand the services of our
Trade Mentorship Program, email info@rbrw.org.